Why sailing?
We reckon it’s an awesome sport and we Kiwis are not only very good at it, we live in a place where it is - or should be - accessible to everyone. Living in the Bay, there's always a fabulous harbour or lake nearby, and a sailing breeze to play in.
So where does the Bay of Plenty Sailing Academy Trust come in?
Our Mission:
“To provide the opportunity for youth
to experience the sport of sailing,
irrespective of means or ability,
and to create pathways and strategies
to engage them in the sport for a lifetime”
Roy Walmsley, founder

We achieve this in two ways: through making sailing gear available at a low cost to groups and individuals, and through various carefully targeted support programmes for sailors.
Sailing brings out fantastic qualities in young people, maybe more than any other sport:
- Tenacity
- Self reliance
- Discipline
- Learning to look after things
- Planning and preparation
- Respect for others
- Respect for the marine environment
- Fitness
- Concentration
- Initiative
Once you can sail, a world of possibilities opens up. Whether it is at the Olympics, Americas Cup, Volvo Ocean Race, the many other competitions worldwide, or recreational sailing around our beautiful coastline, lakes or extended cruising offshore, we’ve got more world class sailors than you can shake a tiller at! Maybe you’d like to be one of them?
Keen to give sailing a try?
The best and safest way for kids (and adults) to learn to sail is through a school holiday, weekend or after school course, using suitable gear and run by a qualified coach at a yacht club. Get in touch with your local club:
Tauranga Yacht and Power Boat Club
Rotorua Yacht Club
Port Ohope Yacht Club
Yachting New Zealand